
When we are kids, we are constantly being compared to others. Our parents may compare us to our siblings. Our teachers probably compared us to other students. Kids compared us to other kids.
Those comparisons created either a sense of humiliation or a sense of pride. Either way, it has become second-nature. Everything we’d done has been followed by looking around and seeking validation.
國外知乎Quora上,網(wǎng)友Miranda Young敘述的初中經(jīng)歷可能會讓很多人有同感。
During junior high, there was one girl who was super smart, A++++ student. Teachers adored her, praised her, she received awards, special privileges, had opportunities presented to her and no one else, etc.
We all knew she was special and we were not. The message of recognition for her exceptional intelligence was translated differently to the rest of the youth. I had a teacher once say “if more students were like her, we would have a more productive school”, even though those were the words spoken, I interpreted them as “she is a good student, you are not. You are the reason why this school isn’t living up to its potential”.
❶ Acknowledge there are people out there who are better, smarter, prettier, richer, nicer, etc. more than you.
❷ Acknowledge how you feel when you compare, or someone else compares you to someone else.
❸ Do not try to be more like the smartest student, be the smartest version of you.
❹ Increase self-esteem. Usually, when I feel good about myself, I tend not to be as affected by someone else’s success.
Midway through my psychology PhD program at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, I felt that I lacked whatever magical ability is required to finish and publish a project. It seemed as though other graduate students were authoring several papers in the time it took me to complete a single experiment. I worked as hard as I could, but my progress seemed to be incremental compared with theirs.
When I shared these concerns with my adviser, she had a different take on the situation. “You’re not doing anything wrong,” she assured me, “you’re just pursuing a different kind of research.”
導(dǎo)師聽了我說的這些擔(dān)憂之后,對于這個情況,她給了一個不同的角度:“你啥也沒做錯啊。” 她叫我放心:“你只是做的研究本就與人家的不同。”
Some researchers mine Twitter for data or collect responses from thousands of online participants over the course of just a couple of days. But lifespan researchers often collect more detailed and open-ended responses from one person at a time.
A project I am working on, for example, involves analyzing interviews with 138 people recruited from our local community. Recording, transcribing and coding so much interview data can take months, if not years.
The research I do differs from most social-science research in other ways, too — from the funding, personnel and equipment needed to collect new data, to the skills, permissions and access required to obtain and analyze them.
Quora答主Venus Souls就細(xì)數(shù)了這其中的道理。
Comparing yourself to others is not necessarily a bad thing.
When you catch yourself comparing yourself to others, get curious about the feeling that is being triggered. Is it jealousy? Is it obsession? Is it admiration? Is it love? Is it inspiration? Your triggered feelings will give you a clue as to what is going on within you.
Most likely, you are jealous because you wish you had what it takes to achieve what the other has achieved or to have what they have. Get curious and figure out why you still don’t have it and what would it take to get there.
It is never a good idea to make yourself wrong for comparing yourself to others or to make yourself wrong for not getting where you wish to be.
But if all this comparison mounts to is bitter jealousy, then your problem is bigger than a simple comparison. Always bear in mind that your only competition is the one in the mirror and—believe me—it is the toughest competition of all.
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